Anne Pryor, MA
Lovitude(TM) Soul Painter

Anne Pryor, MA, a Soul Painter and the creator of Lovitude, was recently featured on the Hallmark Channel. She is also a LinkedIn expert, career coach, and former executive of Lifetouch, Carlson, and Knott’s Camp Snoopy at the Mall of America in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Inspired through after-death communications with her friend Irene to create vivid images to activate souls, she has created more than 2,500 Soul Paintings using ink, her breath, and essential oils on plastic. Anne was never formally trained in art, but after receiving her friend’s messages she began creating these paintings — works that have been referred to as “visual blessings” — which are now licensed on products distributed globally.

Anne and her friend and business partner Risë Severson Kasmirski share their story in the book When Paradise Speaks. Through her Lovitude Soul Paintings, Anne helps people all over the world trust that the spiritual messages they receive can contribute to real-world transformation.

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