Resources That Speak to Racial Justice and Healing

"Talking About Race” Online Portal

This web portal was designed by the National Museum of African American History and Culture to help individuals, families, and communities discuss how racism and racial identity shape every aspect of society, from the economy and politics to the wider American culture. You'll find digital tools, online exercises, videos, articles, and more than 100 multimedia resources for educators, parents, caregivers, and individuals who are committed to racial equality.


CCEJ Anti-Racist Resource Guide 

California Conference for Equality and Justice (CCEJ) is a human relations organization dedicated to eliminating bias, bigotry, and racism through education, conflict resolution, and advocacy. 


Racial Equity Tools

Racial healing and racial justice organizations use a variety of strategies and approaches to achieve their goals. The strategy section on this site contains examples of a number of strategies in action, plus relevant evaluations, tools, framework, and other reports, and, where appropriate, a link to key sites for more information.


YouTube Channel: Bear Witness, Take Action


Healing from Internalized Whiteness

A 10-week online training for white allies committed to racial justice and collective liberation.


FREE 5-Day Racialized Trauma Home Study Course

Therapist Resmaa Menakem created this home study course to help you learn the basics of racialized trauma, and what you can do about it for yourself and your communities.


Virtual and in-person trainings with Dr. Robin DiAngelo, consultant and trainer for over 20 years on issues of racial and social justice, and author of White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard For White People To Talk About Racism.

Transforming White Privilege: A 21st Century Leadership Capacity
The Transforming White Privilege (TWP) curriculum is designed to help current and emerging leaders from a variety of sectors better identify, talk about and intervene to address white privilege and its consequences.

Hard Conversations: Deep Dive into Racism and Its Undoing

This is a month-long online seminar program hosted by authors, speakers, and social justice activists Patti Digh and Victor Lee Lewis, who was featured in the documentary film, The Color of Fear, with help from a community of people who want and are willing to help us understand the reality of racism by telling their stories and sharing their resources.


Hard Conversations: Whiteness, Race, and Social Justice

What does it mean to be White in a racist world? We will explore this question in a four-week online course/forum co-facilitated by social justice educators and authors Victor Lee Lewis and Patti Digh.


UNtraining White Liberal Racism
We explore what it means to be white, bringing awareness to white conditioning and privilege that we did not choose as children, but that we can take responsibility for as adults.
Racial Equity Learning Modules

These modules are designed to facilitate deep learning and change. The Understanding the System of Racial Inequity module is designed to provide a starting point for those new to ideas about fairness and equity. You can access a sample of this module suitable for a one-hour inquiry under the System of Racial Inequity tab.
Showing Up for Racial Justice
SURJ is a national network of groups and individuals working to undermine white supremacy and to work toward racial justice. Through community organizing, mobilizing, and education, SURJ moves white people to act as part of a multi-racial majority for justice with passion and accountability.

White Ally Toolkit

The White Ally Toolkit/Ally Conversation Toolkit helps anti-racism allies do their part in the fight against racism by empowering and equipping them with best practice communications skills based on listening, storytelling, and compassion. These best practices will allow them to become more persuasive in conversations with racism skeptics.

Resources for Addressing Race and Racism With Young Children

As parents, many of us wonder whether to talk to young children about race and racism. Some parents do it from day one, some wait, and many struggle with how to tackle such a complex topic with babies and little children just beginning to understand the world. How do we start working towards anti-bias and anti-racism so early?


Twelve Books to Help Children Understand Race, Anti-Racism, and Protest
Literature is just one part of fostering positive sense of self and others, say educators at the National Museum of African American History and Culture.


Anti-Racism Resources for White People
For white people who are interested in getting more intentional about deepening anti-racism work, this list of resources can help aid in that effort. This list is by no means exhaustive. Start by picking one book, one article, or one podcast. Pick a friend to talk to about it and hold you accountable. 


Guide to Anti-Racism for Beginners
The resources here are a good starting point so that you can remove your fears, educate yourself, and take this work seriously. Please note that the desire here is to point you to Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) educators and activists, not to share our own voice. This resource was compiled from the heaps of wonderful, educational materials already created.  You probably have a lot to learn and un-learn — consider this part of your lifelong journey of anti-racism. 


An Antiracist Reading List
Ibram X. Kendi on books to help America transcend its racist heritage.

Here’s Where You Can Donate to Help Protests Against Police Brutality
Bail funds, legal aid, and other organizations working to help activists seeking justice for George Floyd and other victims of police violence

Catalyst is produced by The Shift Network to feature inspiring stories and provide information to help shift consciousness and take practical action. To receive Catalyst twice a month, sign up here.

This article appears in: 2020 Catalyst, Issue 13: Healing and Justice
