Answering the Call and Taking Action with Purpose

By Emanuel Kuntzelman, a founding co-creator of the Global Purpose Movement

What we have been experiencing the last few months with the outbreak of Covid-19 is bringing nothing short of a world-wide transformation. This disease has caused immense suffering, physically, emotionally and financially, and it can be difficult to envision a new way forward when we have been thrust into a heightened sense of fear and despair. But in crisis also comes opportunity.

In the midst of what seems like a planetary pause, we have the chance to reprioritize the values that drive our cultures. For so long, we have been driven by fear and scarcity. When we react from a place of fear, however, we stay small, spread so thin in the materialistic paradigm that we lose track of the spiritual essence of ourselves. We have become accustomed to the frenetic rat race of trying to pay the bills, buying the groceries, cleaning the house, worrying about our jobs, fixing the car… Of course, these are all very valid concerns. If we are not able to meet our basic needs, we can expect to thrive and transform. But is this the “normal” we want to return to post-pandemic; an endless number of material tasks we face just to keep life going?

What the coronavirus has gifted us, however, is a chance to pause for inner reflection and get honest with ourselves. Sheltering in place has simplified our lives to the basic essentials. We have been shaken to the core and are no longer able to ignore our sacred connection to Source and the magnitude of our global connection and our responsibility within this intricate fabric of humanity to support a world that works for us all.

There is a bigger spirit we’re all part of, and World Unity Week inspires this movement to answer the call, to both our inner purpose and to our larger humanity. To navigate the changes we are facing, it is critical that we join together as one with purpose and intentionality.

Fortunately, the voices calling for a cultural shift toward a united, purposeful consciousness are many. The drive to open our minds and collectively explore and uphold a new set of values that honor the global family is gaining momentum. As we near the launch of our Purpose Earth event on June 21, from 9:00am to Noon Pacific, within the larger context of World Unity Week, I’m energized to see these intentions sprouting all around me in creative and artful approaches in the name of the cause. It’s the beginning phase of a consciously-connected paradigm shift ready to burst into bloom.

Taking action is the key component in this transformation, but let’s not expect each of us to envision a whole new culture and then immediately live it. It is not that easy, and a new culture will not take hold until we build a base, a critical mass, that can sustain it with a compassionate ecosystem of community support. That’s why Purpose Earth is launching its global initiative as part of the celebrations. 

This event is a clear call to action within the inspiration offered throughout World Unity Week, where we will be fundraising for our grant program to support innovative, grassroots organizations finding creative solutions to our social and ecological challenges.

Individuals stepping up to do the important work is just the beginning. It will take visionary leaders in all sectors to inspire collective change. There are so many facets to creating and sustaining a culture with purpose, and it will take our global village to nurture this paradigm shift into being.

In these uncertain times, there is hope. Despite living in a time of social distancing, it seems that we have drawn the threads of our shared humanity ever tighter and stronger. As we become reconnected to the sacred Source, we are finding deeper meaning in what it means to be united as a global family, and that calls for a celebration.

Catalyst is produced by The Shift Network to feature inspiring stories and provide information to help shift consciousness and take practical action. To receive Catalyst twice a month, sign up here.

This article appears in: 2020 Catalyst, Issue 12: World Unity Week
