Announcing the Launch of
The R.A.C.E. Project!
Led by Our Chief Inclusion Officer
Rev. Dr. Aliah K. MaJon
First-of-its-kind initiative to unify, magnify & amplify our voices... & take action toward true racial healing

Join us in a powerful journey to dismantle racism by learning to become a true ally, activist, and bridge builder... through a series of offerings, resources, events, workshops, courses, and unprecedented racial healing training programs.

Humanity cannot realize its fullest potential in a broken world.
— Rev. Dr. Aliah K. MaJon

Since the world witnessed George Floyd’s death at the hands of a white police officer on May 25, 2020...

… the outrage and outcry to dismantle racism and white supremacy is not only deep, loud, reverberating, and more visible to the mainstream public — it’s finally being heard.

And yet, even amidst the George Floyd Movement, devastating and deplorable acts of violence against People of Color continue.

When you learn about yet another crime of racial injustice, do you feel compelled to stand up and do something to finally end centuries of killings and oppression… but you don’t know where to begin?

We want to invite you to join us on a real racial healing journey — designed to form a Brain Trust and a community of pioneers and innovators committed to collaborative action and shared leadership.

This journey will consist of a series of separate offerings, resources, events, courses, and other types of groundbreaking programs — to help you develop the key skills you need to contribute to the powerful effort to dismantle racism.

As well-intentioned as we are in responding to the call for racial equity, inclusion, and diversity, many of us have blindspots around the racial divide. We may even, quite unknowingly and unintentionally, be contributing to systemic racism from a place that’s hidden well below our conscious awareness.

This path to Transform Racism will offer you the opportunity to awaken that awareness. It will also guide you to find a community of like-minded people with whom you can share safely and openly about how you understand race — without shame or blame…

… to support and inspire each other, collaborate on planning appropriate and effective steps, and, together, take real action as thinkers, bridge builders, and activists — to finally crack the code of healing, and substantially, meaningfully, and sustainably create the change our world desperately needs.


The Time Is Now!

The racial divide burns at a deadly level, creating a very dangerous society.

Children are being robbed of their potential — which is not only tragic… it diminishes the possibility of a healthier future for us all.

There’s a myriad of crises that we must join together to address.

Racism is a pandemic that’s quantifiably damaging our citizens, communities, and systems… and our fate as humanity is hanging in the balance. We are a spiritually bereft collective if humanity’s greatest gifts are not being realized.

As an organization, The Shift Network says “Enough is enough!” White supremacy was never in any way acceptable, and violently oppressing, marginalizing, or degrading others based on race, culture, or membership in any group will no longer be tolerated.

We can’t solve the considerable challenges we face when we don’t have the genius of all people at the table. It’s time to make appropriate amends and begin repairing the harm from both historic and present atrocities, and forge stronger partnerships to create a world that works for all.

People are at last opening their eyes to the devastating realities of systemic racism… and many of us are responding, or longing to respond, to this powerful movement that’s gaining ground.

We’re thirsty for guidance on the most effective and “correct” ways to step up, speak out, and take thoughtful action to help end centuries of grave injustice, oppression, and violence.

Do you recognize yourself in this? And, if so, are you ready and willing to answer the call?

We invite you to join us in our commitment through a series of potent programs, in which you’ll learn about the history of racism. You’ll receive step-by-step guidance on becoming an activist and a bridge builder. You’ll discover how to be a true ally, and you’ll be encouraged to participate in a variety of organizations that are engaged in this essential work.


Our intention in designing this journey to Transform Racism is to create opportunities for you to:

  • Help elevate the George Floyd Movement to the level of planetary stewardship... while realizing your individual soul purpose
  • Take greater responsibility and find your place in a Brain Trust committed to racial healing
  • Find community with people aspiring to do deep healing work based on the Truth and Reconciliation model
  • Discover what role you can take on in dismantling racism for good
  • Receive step-by-step guidance on where and how to begin
  • Learn the skills you need to truly make a measurable difference
  • Answer your call to get started (or get serious) about making a difference in effective, collaborative, pioneering, far-reaching ways that are personal, societal, spiritually oriented, and inclusive

The R.A.C.E. Project

The name is built around an acronym that stands for:

  • R = Reconciliation
  • A = Action
  • C = Community
  • E = Evaluation

We’re creating racial healing pathways based on methodologies of Truth and Reconciliation — focusing on taking action, building a leadership community, and engaging in constant evaluation of self and our initiative’s effectiveness.

The R.A.C.E. Project will provide a foundation for people to build upon… forming teams to co-create and collaborate on never-been-done-before ideas for bridging divides, truth-telling, and the genuine dismantling of racism — so we can ultimately let go of the past and build an anti-racist future.

Here, we’re creating a portal through which you can be informed of all future Shift Network Transforming Racism events.

Everyone is needed to achieve racial healing...
And, white men are invited to be at the top of the list!
— Rev. Dr. Aliah K. MaJon


Sign Up Now

If you’d like to receive information about all the upcoming Transforming Racism events, sign up here.

Note: Signing up is free of charge and does not commit you to participate in any of the events and programs we’ll be offering.

Your information is safe with us! We’ll never share or sell it, and will use it only to send you notifications about this program and other related information from The Shift Network. Each email we send contains an unsubscribe link for your convenience.

Let’s Grow Transforming Racism Event


Opening Our Eyes to What Racism Really Is with Sean Smith & Rev. Dr. Aliah K. MaJon

Discover the Depth of Your Dedication to Dismantling Racism with Dereca Blackmon


Interspirituality & the Shadow of Cultural Appropriation with Mirabai Starr & Rev. Dr. Aliah K. MaJon

How This Moment Can Be An Opportunity To Catalyze Racial Healing On A Larger Scale with Stephen Dinan, Lawrence Ellis, Shawna Bluestar Newcomb, & Rev. Dr. Aliah MaJon


What People Are Saying About Shift Network Programs…

“It gave me a new perspective on the current racial system...”

This course helped me understand the importance of challenging my own actions and those of my fellow white people. It gave me a new perspective on the current racial system in the U.S. and my own place in it, as well as firsthand knowledge of what other white people were doing to dismantle the current injustice. I also began to understand the terrible pain that racial injustice was causing for my Black brothers and sisters and all POC.

“... it helped clearly define the ‘why’ in being an ally.”

This course was a spiritual transformation that not only guided the participants through positive methods of engagement, it also helped clearly define the “why” in being an ally. It’s not just to help others, but to help us all create a world worth living in.

“I was definitely stretched by this content...”

I learned some positive and tangible responses that I intend to use in my learning towards a more anti-racist stance. The simple mantras, Be Brave, Be Humble, Be Dedicated are “coat-hanger” ideas for me, and Dereca Blackmon explained some practical look-fors and how-tos that I can practice. I like having both the theory and the practical, which she delivered beautifully. I was definitely stretched by this content and will, as Derica admonished, go on the journey.

“... confident to engage in conversations and take a leadership role...”

This course has made me so much more confident to engage in conversations and take a leadership role in unpacking systemic racism and the embedded culture of white supremacy. The straightforward way the information was presented and the humour Dereca used made it so accessible. The stories of errors she’s made normalize that we will make mistakes and we must keep learning. This course will be with me for a long time and will inform my continued growth.


About The Shift Network’s Chief Inclusion Officer

Rev. Dr. Aliah K. MaJon, an evolutionary and racial healing champion, is known for her transformational work with those facing future-defining crossroads, major loss, and the disadvantage of a traumatic background. Her methodologies are informed by firsthand experience growing up in the inner city of Detroit and from losing her only child to suicide.

Dr. Aliah believes that one of the greatest hindrances to the success of disenfranchised populations in the United States is our country’s history of the racial divide. Seeking to change this, she made a commitment to harness her decades of experience addressing bias and inequality as a diversity trainer, educational consultant, United Nations delegate, facilitator of citizen-police dialogues, and the creator of racial healing Brain Trusts.

Dr. Aliah is the founder of the Next 50 Years Project, where she focuses on teaching cultural intelligence to educational leaders and on pioneering tools that build bridges across human differences. And, she is currently serving as our Chief Inclusion Officer at The Shift Network. She also proudly holds a trademark for a groundbreaking coaching methodology called SOUL TECHNOLOGY®, in which she introduces people to the “other half of their intelligence” and demystifies what it means to benefit from inner knowing.

Sign Up Now

If you’d like to receive information about all the upcoming Transforming Racism events, sign up here.

Note: Signing up is free of charge and does not commit you to participate in any of the events and programs we’ll be offering.

Your information is safe with us! We’ll never share or sell it, and will use it only to send you notifications about this program and other related information from The Shift Network. Each email we send contains an unsubscribe link for your convenience.